Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tuesday crepes.

I usually use a blender to blend my ingredients and let the batter sit in the fridge for an hour. Yum. Thanks TDOP.
crepes and chai-tea latte! 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Like Po, I had a noodle-dream too!

I want to cook everything from Two dudes one pan(TDOP). And so I dedicate this blog to my two favorite chefs, Jon Shook and Vinny Dotolo, the duo in TDOP. I have yet to meet them, but they have single handily rewritten my culinary experience in and out of the kitchen.

For the last few years, I’ve been trying to challenge myself to cook every recipe in TDOP. It’s always in my bag. The dishes are no doubt flavorful, they are everything I imagined and more! I carry this book with me whenever I visit friends, because nothing beats a home cooked meal. And everyone has loved everything from the cookbook so far! I rave about this cookbook 24/7 that I got my butchers (Hi! Nick and Peter) each a copy! Yes, I’m gaga over them and their insane culinary powers, so I’m hoping this site with motivate me to cook everything they’ve ever written and take me to places I’ve never dreamt of.

my dog-eared copy of TDOP and much loved silicone spoon.