Sunday, November 25, 2012

T-day!!!! best day everrrr

Hey Hey,

Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year! (maybe cause it always falls on or before my birthday, which always makes it a perfect excuse to have turkey and stuffing!) but this year, being in Hong Kong, I had to pre-order my turkey 2 months in advance from (hehe..funny URL right?)

My turkey came in from Aussie on Wednesday and it weighed 15 lbs (just like my little niece). I brined it the morning of in a giant soup pot following William Sonoma brine bags' recipe, but instead of using sugar I used two cans of Sprit (a brilliant idea from my sister's mother-in-law and next year I'm going to use Ginger Ale), three bay leaves, some fresh springs of homegrown rosemary, stuffed it with an apple, onion, celery, and rosemary and roasted it at 350F on the backside and flipped it to roast it at 500F for the last 30-40 minutes or till it reached 155F internally.

But yes, it was sure a crazy day with 17 people on the guest list...the largest party I've ever hosted/ever want to host. Thankfully, my brother-in-law and his mother stepped in and helped me during the last two hours, since they are both the turkey masters!! Love!


 Corn bread sausage stuffing (a Lee family recipe)

Online pulled pork recipe with America's Test Kitchen BBQ sauce! Yum!

Coffee-creme-brûlée (cause my brother wanted to play with fire) 

Homemade cinnamon ice cream and Cooks Illustrated skillet apple pie!

*** Sorry, I haven't been posting, but in between moving apartments and preparing for Renegade Holiday LA fair (if you are in LA, please come check it out)...I misplaced my TDOP. Oops. Hopefully, it/they would show up soon!